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Fair Housing

Fair housing is more than a list of dos and don’ts, rights and penalties, and mandatory continuing education. Our livelihood and business as REALTORS® depend upon making the American Dream of homeownership accessible to as many people as possible. Broad access to homeownership requires an open housing market free from discrimination. Discrimination distorts the marketplace and prevents qualified buyers from accessing housing opportunities. When strong, fair housing laws and practices are in place, homeowners, communities, REALTORS® and our economy can thrive.

The Fair Housing Act generally prohibits five different types of discrimination in the sale and rental of housing:

  • To refuse to sell or rent, or to otherwise make unavailable, a dwelling because of a person’s membership in a protected class
  • Discrimination in the terms, conditions or privileges of a sale or rental of housing, or in the provision of services in connection with same
  • Use of advertising that expresses a preference for or against certain persons because of their membership in a particular protected class
    Representations that a dwelling is not available for sale or rent, when in fact the dwelling is available
  • Attempts to induce a person to sell or rent a dwelling by referring to the prospective entry of persons of a particular race, color, sex, religion, national origin, handicap or familial status
  • In addition to prohibiting specific practices involving the sale or rental of dwellings, the Fair Housing Act also prohibits redlining, including discrimination in financing and insuring of housing, as well as discrimination in access to other services, organizations, or facilities that relate to the business of selling or renting dwellings.